What is a Lua package?
Have you ever wondered how Lua code is shipped and reused? A Lua package is referred to as a rock.
Rock files use the .src.rock
file format, which is internally really just a zip file, and can be unzipped
using all traditional unzip tools.
Inside the rock, you'll usually find two main parts:
- The rockspec, i.e. instructions on how to build the rock.
- (optional) The source code of the rock (packaged in a zip file).
The most important part of any package is the rockspec, which is a single Lua file that describes
how to build a Lua package from start to finish. Below is an example of a rockspec for say
, a Lua library
for string hashing, with added comments:
-- (required) The name of the package
package = "say"
-- Basic variables that can be easily reused
local rock_version = "1.4.1"
local rock_release = "3"
local namespace = "lunarmodules"
local repository = package
-- (required) The version of the package
version = ("%s-%s"):format(rock_version, rock_release)
-- (required) The source of the package.
source = {
url = ("git+https://github.com/%s/%s.git"):format(namespace, repository),
branch = rock_version == "scm" and "master" or nil,
tag = rock_version ~= "scm" and "v"..rock_version or nil,
-- (optional) Metadata about the package.
description = {
summary = "Lua string hashing/indexing library",
detailed = [[
Useful for internationalization.
license = "MIT",
homepage = ("https://%s.github.io/%s"):format(namespace, repository),
maintainer = "Caleb Maclennan <caleb@alerque.com>",
-- (optional) Dependencies for the package.
-- Here we assert that lua must be at least version 5.1
dependencies = {
"lua >= 5.1",
-- (required) Instructions to build the rock. Depending on the `type`,
-- different custom parameters can be provided to alter the behaviour of the
-- build script.
-- "builtin" is the most basic build type.
build = {
type = "builtin",
modules = {
say = "src/say/init.lua"
Building a Rock
In order to build the rock, one must first:
- Acquire the rockspec
- Read the
table and download all dependencies of the rock - Read the rockspec's
table and download the rock's source code
Notice that the branch and tag are explicitly specified in the source
for the git repository. This ensures that the same version of the rock is installed
every time, ensuring reproducibility.
Sharing Rocks
A rockspec is all that's necessary to wholly describe how to build a package. In that case, where can one share and acquire these rockspecs? That's what https://luarocks.org is for. Luarocks is a centralized hub for publishing your own packages, and its the registry that Lux uses to find and download rocks.
When publishing to luarocks.org, you can choose to upload only the rockspec or the rockspec with a copy of your source code as a zip file, in case you don't want to host your files on something like Github.