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Adding Dependencies

Lua has a very little standard library, so let's download some helpful dependencies before we start writing any code. Since we want to develop a CLI, we need a library capable of parsing flags and arguments. To do so, we will use version 0.7 of argparse. We'll install it with the following command:

lx add argparse@0.7

This may take a while depending on your internet connection!

Testing Our Changes

To check whether argparse is loaded we can enter a Lua REPL and play around with our code. However, just running lua will not work. To enter a lua REPL with our dependencies loaded, we need to run the following command instead:

lx lua

This acts as a direct wrapper around the regular lua program. Once in the REPL, let's try to require our argparse code. Type require("argparse").version and press enter. Below is the successful output:

lx lua
Lua 5.4.7  Copyright (C) 1994-2024, PUC-Rio
> require("argparse").version

We're now ready to start writing some serious code in the next chapter. You can exit the REPL by pressing Ctrl+D or typing os.exit() and pressing enter.